1) What is the TED organization about?
It is about this people how tell about very intresting things and to learn about things all over the world
2) What is the purpose of their website and how does the functionality of their site support that?
To make people learn more about the things that are happenning around us
3) As Engineers and Problem Solvers, which topic areas (the choices from the "Show talks related to:" section on the sidebar) are of most interest to us? Justify your answer.
Most jaw breaking or technlogy because we are trying to find way to solve problems and the more we know about jaw breaking we have less limits so we try bo
4) Based on your previous answer, what are 3 talks (videos) on the site that appear like they would be of most interest to you as an Engineer/Problem Solver? Justify your choices.
Robot that flies like a bird, the 8 billio i pod, the weird wonderfull bioluminescence. I thought they were very intresting subects that i could learn from
5) Each student will watch a unique video (clear your choice with me... first come, first served!). Watch the video. Embed the video in your blog post and create a bulletized outline of the key issues presented in the talk.
I think all of them were prety good i think they can improve the time and make them a little bit longer
6) How could you get involved in the field/technology/issue you chose to hear about? What experience/skills/training/education would you need to learn to get involved with this field?
i think i need more time to