Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Khan Academy

i Think it was a really good feed back but i belive you can speed up the video and make it faster and focus more on the details
My video is about the heart
I think fliping the classroom would be perfect less work

Model Creation

1.- Why is it important to be detailed when documentingyour design?
Because if not you will have another side bigger that the other one and it will look differnent than the one yo are actually trying to do

2.-  When was the harder part of writing your step by step instructions or following your classmate's instruction? Why ?

3.- How is an object mass different from it's weight?
One is the the hole object and how much it is the area and lenght the weight is how much you weight with the gravity
4.- How does surface area different from area?
the surface is the perimeter

Friday, March 2, 2012


Conclusion Questions
1. in order to make a wire coat hanger you could make a triangle and then use the fillet tool.
2. the feature to create a 3-D representation of a spindle that was created on a wood lathe would be the hole tool.
3. A 3-D solid model prgram keeps track of the changes that are made to and object by having you save things by sketches so that you are able to undo using the undo button or pressing Crtl+Z
4. if a mistake is made then you can undo it by using the undo button or by pressing Crtl+Z